Cover by Omer Kursat

Horseplay: Equine Fables of Love and Death
Lee Siegel

ISBN 978-1944521103, August 1, 2020
Softcover, 164 pages, 5.1 x 7.8 in.

ISBN 978-1-944521110, August 1, 2020
Kindle edition

If we are to believe critically acclaimed fiction writer Lee Siegel, the author of Horseplay is actually a horse, yes, a talking horse named Gulliver. And if that is not unbelievable enough, this witty and erudite equine waxes quite eloquently on myriad subjects in various languages.

According to Siegel, Gulliver dictated the series of twelve stories that constitute this fantastic text. Each marvelous tale is about one of his male progenitors, each of them endowed with the gift of speech. The stories, passed down to Gulliver by those amazingly garrulous ancestral stallions from generation to generation, constitute a kind of comedic stud book or literary breeding registry. The stories are at once sublimely romantic and yet bawdily down to earth, occasionally melancholy but fundamentally hilarious.

Horseplay is indisputably one of the greatest books ever composed by a horse.

Siegel's new book is an outrageous ride. It tells the story of the lineage of talking horses, covering the legend of each talking horse starting back in Prussia, following one new horse in each chapter leading up to the famous Mr. Ed, the legendary horse of Hollywood television. It's part myth, part parody, part adventure.

— Reader comment

Watch Lee Siegel interview Hi-Hat for Horseplay

Stylish, sophisticated, and very funny.

Robert Onopa